DIY Dried Citrus


Here’s a fun fact; way back in the day, oranges were very difficult to transport a long distance and they we’re rather hard to find. Only the most rich and powerful families were able afford oranges. Since they we’re considered with such high value, they became lavish gifts around Christmas time. If a family could afford it that year, oranges ended up in stockings and high-value gift baskets - hence the reason oranges are commonly found in stockings, still to this day!

Dried citrus around the winter season is such a welcomed pop of color and a simple tradition your family can do together. There’s so many things you can do with dried citrus; make a garland, use them with your gift wrapping, or even just keep them in a glass container on the counter.


Here’s how to do it:

  1. You can use oranges, lemons, limes and even grapefruit. Stock up on a ton of fruit and make sure they aren’t too damaged.

  2. Start by slicing all of your citrus fruit in wheels, making sure to slice as evenly as you can. If you cut too thin, they can become brittle - cut too thick and they can take way too long to dry out.

  3. Line a few baking sheets with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

  4. Place all of your citrus slices on the baking sheet; it’s okay if they’re touching or slightly overlapping on the rind but don’t let them fully stack up.

  5. Bake them for around 2 hours, then flip each slice. Bake for another 2 hours and check them to see if there’s any moisture left in the centers. If there is, bake for another hour or two.

  6. Once they’re done, set them out on the counter to dry a little longer, preferably for 24 hours.


photographer and designer based in memphis, tn.

Homemade Marshmallows


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