DIY Houseplant Spray


This spray is a lifesaver! It’s perfect for shining the leaves, keeping pests away and making the room smell like lemon-y heaven!

here’s the link to my amber glass bottles

About once a month, I give all of my houseplants a full spa day. I bring each one to the sink or the bathtub and I let water run through all of the soil so the roots are fully soaked. While the water drains from the bottom of the pot, I use this plant spray all over — I spray it on the leaves, the trunk/stems, the soil and even the saucer that it sits on!
The dishsoap helps to remove dust from the leaves and it can help to clear away any small pests that may have camped out on the plant. The lemongrass is a great deterant for any future pests, especially gnats! Sometimes getting the soil this wet can attract gnats so the lemongrass fully counters that!

Directions —

  1. Fill a spray bottle up with water.

  2. Add a drop or two of dish soap.

  3. Add about 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil.

  4. Give it a shake and there you go!


photographer and designer based in memphis, tn.

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